Why I'm here
You need a Competitive Intelligence professional. Every business does. The reality is that the field is relatively new, and an experienced CI Analyst can be hard to come by. If you’re fortunate enough to find a CI pro looking for work, the price tag can be hefty. Currently only very large businesses can afford to keep a Competitive Intelligence team on staff. I want everyone to have their best chance at success.
It’s my vision to offer monitoring services that are affordable, and then work on projects only when they are triggered. This keeps your costs low, but allows you the advantage of having timely and accurate data and insights on your side.
how i got here
Problem solving has always been my forte. When I was five years old my Nintendo controller broke. We didn’t have the money to buy a new one, so my dad asked me if I thought I could fix it. I took the controller apart, found the broken connection, repaired it, and was right back at Mario Bros.
This perspective has stuck with me my whole life. If something isn’t right, I learn as much as I can surrounding the issue, then I apply what I’ve learned to make it right. I continued to do this in the US Navy while maintaining my ship’s missile defense system.
Now I do this with business problems.